Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Wheels on the Bus (Updated)*

Bus Driver Bill0001
Originally uploaded by savtadotty.
The wheels on the school bus went pretty slowly today, Mermaid Girl's first day of kindergarten, so the bus was about 20 minutes late picking her up. But the bus driver Bill was so cheerful and friendly. Don't you think he looks like a Norman Rockwell school bus driver?

* For accompanying narrative, go elswhere.


Udge said...

LOL, Normal Rockwell to the fingertips!

Fred said...

You're right, he absolutely does. What a happy guy!

Spanglemonkey said...

Who is that wearing ski goggles getting on the bus?!

Spanglemonkey said...

OHHHH! It's a bike helmet. I get it.

SavtaDotty said...

Jo, that's Renaissance Woman, wearing her bike helmet. She had just pushed Mermaid Girl up the bus steps when MG spied a pre-school friend at the back of the bus and lost all interest in the rest of us. Note fleeting glimpse of short blonde person running down the aisle.