Friday, October 14, 2005

Yom Kippur Irony

Note: If I've written about this somewhere earlier on my blog, it's just a symptom of encroaching biggie.

I grew up in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood. Most of my classmates' families belonged to Conservative synagogues and attended services on holidays only. My family were not affiliated, but we observed holidays by having festive meals with many guests and what I later learned were traditional foods.

On Yom Kippur I stayed home from public school, as did many of the teachers. Because we were not observant and I had normal little-girl energy, I wanted to go outside and play, especially to roller-skate and ride my bike. My parents forbade me to do this, because according to their social code it was disrespectful of the more observant neighbors.

How astonishing and ironic to discover that Yom Kippur in Tel Aviv is the day for kids (and adults) to roller-skate and bike.


Udge said...

Interesting to compare to Lisa's post today where she talks about the absolute silence in a city where nothing is open or running. I simply didn't know the extent to which Israel shuts down on Yom Kippur, in Germany the buses still run on Christmas Day, I think there is actually a less frequent service on Jan.1 than on Dec.25.

"The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath", as some sage or other once said :-)

SavtaDotty said...

that - well actually I think my parents would be kinda pleased. Anyhow, the little girl in me didn't feel like skating but was happy that she could.

Udge - funny you should mention Lisa's post...she and Yael were both at my house to break the fast.

SavtaDotty said...

Good to hear from you again, Third Street! I read about McCourt's Teacher book coming out. I never heard from him, and, silly me, I'm disappointed. Oh well, where there's life, there's hope.