Sunday, January 08, 2006

Doctor, My Brain Hurts

If you have to have brain surgery, don't you want your surgeon to look like this? At first I thought. "So young, how can he have enough experience?" Then I, like everyone here, became an instant expert in brain surgery and realized how many hours of concentration and focus just one operation takes. And Sharon has had three. In three days. So I thought, "Only a young surgeon has the stamina for it." Whatever happens to Ariel Sharon, hooray for Jose Cohen and his team at Hadassah Hospital! The Jerusalem Post wrote Jose's mini-biography. Unmarried? Not for long now.


Fred said...

Hey, where's the female brain surgeon? :)

Anonymous said...

The eyes! The... everything! *fans herself*

(I, of course had to end up with a female neurologist. Damn.)

SavtaDotty said...

Fred - I think she's in Hungary, taking care of Noorster.

Yael - it said "single," as in "unmarried." Maybe he plays on John's team? All the best guys seem to these days.

Liza said...

Dr Cohen was interviewed last night on Channel 1 news. Was watching with great interest, drawn to his intelligence and that cute Argentinean accent. Then they showed him from a different angle - from the back and above. I thought it had to be a different person, because what I'd seen just didn't make sense! A few moments later, they showed the same angle again and I was stunned! Couldn't believe it! The illusion of what looked like a very nice head of hair from the front was shattered as the second look confirmed what I'd suspected from the first shot - he's got a bald spot the size of a small dessert plate!

Now I've got nothing against bald spots - my husband has one, and has been losing his hair for years (as a teenager, he had a head full of beautiful curly hair, which I've only seen in pictures), but it just looked so odd when surrounded by so much hair.

Of course, he is a neurosurgeon, so I suppose that (combined with those beautiful eyes!) outweighs the hair issue. But still...

SavtaDotty said...

Yael - oooops. I meant "unmarried" as in "single." Hebrew has made me dyslexic and dyslogic.

She - Who cares what the back of his head looks like (unless you're into something so kinky I can't even imagine it). Well, chacun a son gout. And that goes for Argentinians too, even though they speak Spanish.

Liza said...

Nothing kinky, rest assured! :-) I see it more as false advertising, given that you expect the full head of hair to be just that - a full head of hair.

Had something else to say, but it has completely escaped me! Oh well...