Saturday, April 29, 2006

Scrabble in Hebrew!

Scrabble in Hebrew!
Originally uploaded by savtadotty.
That's Noorster and Oleh Girl playing against Gucci (dog) and Danny, and Miriam and me (not shown). Gucci and Danny won, and we had enough fun to do it again!

Here's the way the board looked at the end of the game.

Scrabble Board at End of Game


Anonymous said...

Looks like you were having a wonderful time. My dogs are very jealous and have begged me to get out the scrabble board.

SavtaDotty said...

We really did have a lot of fun. Gucci, the poodle, belongs to Danny. My dog was happy to lie under the table, guarding her food.

TLP said...

We play scrabble often with one of our daughters and the SIL. They beat the snot outta us all the time. In Hebrew? Of course I couldn't make one word. Well, I suppose I could have an accident.

Lioness said...

And YET Noorster keeps saying she doesn't speak Hebrew! Oh the lying!

I'm very impressed with all of you.

Anonymous said...

John, I'm not, honest. Lioness, Yael and I were allowed to use the dictionary.

Fred said...

I can barely play Scrabble in English, and look at you!! Great pictures.

I hope to be back on a more regular basis soon.

SavtaDotty said...

I enjoy remembering that in my youth I visualized spending my "sunset years" playing mah jongg in Miami Beach!

John, bring Yaacov. We'll need to train him to take over when Danny's on vacation!

Yael - Getting us to play Hebrew scrabble and have fun doing it proves you really are a teacher at heart!

Tan Lucy - Don't be too impressed: many of my words were accidents too.

Lioness - It depends what your definition of "speak" is. Noorster's English is flawless, so she probably holds herself to a very high standard.

Tamar - What a nice way to keep in touch with a distant nephew!

Fred - I've missed you.

goldenlucyd said...

I was sure I left a post but it was probably in my mind---or what's left of it. You folks did a great job of filling up the board. I'd love to have been at the party in the grandstand. Hope you all are having a good week!

Lin said...

Scrabble in ANY other language always seems triple-tough, but when one has to learn a completely new alphabet, it looks impossible! Sure makes the players look clever, though... making sense of letters I don't recognize!

Anonymous said...

Just to warn you guys, Gucci's been studying the dictionary all week. He's been concentrating especially hard on seven-letter words with high-scoring letters in them like ayin (score of 8) ... who ever said poodles were "just circus dogs"?