Thursday, January 18, 2007

Mon Petit Grand Chouxfleur

Tomorrow's soup will be cauliflower. I bought this baby at the shuk today, and she weighed in at 2.2 kilos! For you who are metrically-
challenged, that's almost 5 pounds, heavy enough to bring home from the hospital if it were a real, full term baby.

I have a feeling that nutmeg is the spice of choice for cauliflower, but I don't like nutmeg, so my guests will have to add their own after cooking is done. That's toughhostesslove. Posted by Picasa


Udge said...

Very grand! I infer from the "have a feeling" line that you don't believe in cookbooks? because I was going to ask for the recipe.


SavtaDotty said...

Udge, I very much believe in cookbooks, but after cooking soup once a week for two years, I don't always bother with them. The basis for this (and most vegetable-based) soup is:

n (tablespoon oil, chopped (onion, garlic clove, carrot, celery)) where n is at least 1, cooked together for about 10 minutes. n peeled chopped parsnip optional. Add the cauliflower pieces, salt and whatever other seasonings you like, add water or stock to cover. Cook for n hours. Puree. Add cream or yoghurt or sour cream and reheat.

Anonymous said...

Good to know that it's not a cauliflower for you alone! ;)

Anonymous said...

that is a large and scary head of cauliflower.

(is cauliflower a 'head'?)

SavtaDotty said...

Claude, Samirah - I'm still eating the leftover soup!

Udge said...

Well, that recipe sounds easy enough, thanks!