Thursday, August 21, 2008


Suddenly it's been two weeks since my last blog post here at The Spoon, and I'm wondering what on earth kept me so busy? I've decided to blame facebook: so many sound bites of information about lots of people I'm beginning to feel like a security camera. Wait a minute: a camera does visuals, not sound, and facebook does mostly text, so my whole metaphor is a tangled mess of wrongness. And then having to scrounge around to find Scrabulous games with non-North American players, because Hasbro pulled the plug on my favorite method of keeping in contact with my relatives.

Anyhow, what with facebook and French class (with homework!) and Art class (yes, thanks to Nominally Challenged's persistent urgings and hand-holding I have started drawing again), not to mention the enervating heat of Tel Aviv August and the furious deadline to finish Mermaid Girl's sweater in time for her birthday, I have only just now come up for air. And where is the air I've come up for? London!

I flew the coop this morning, having accepted an irresistible invitation to join two good London friends on an excursion to Edinburgh. Yes, this coming weekend, starting tomorrow, your faithless reporter will be checking in from The Fringe. If they have wi-fi in Edinburgh, that is. I've never been there before, so I'm quite thrilled and excited.

Any Edinburgh Festival Fringe-related comments and/or suggestions would be most welcome. Or any others as well. Did you miss me?


Levant Lady said...

Dear Faithless Reporter,
Have a WONDERFUL time. We, your faithful readers, will wait patiently to hear all the low-down, and forgive you for the 2-week gap. I don't want to admit how many times I went to your site and brooked the disappointment of no new post. Just sounds too pathetic.

Gila said...

Have fun!