Wednesday, November 02, 2005

My Latest Pet (updated)

He was on the ceiling last night, but not this morning. I wonder where he went? I'm not buying a leash, a bed, or special food for this one. I also wonder what those other little objects are up there. It's a 12-foot-high ceiling cum terrarium. Think it's time to call the painter, who is rumored to be vacationing in India after the busy pre-Rosh Hashana painting season.

Update: he's about 4 inches long from head to end of tail.


TLP said...

I think he's in your bed. Don't worry. I'm sure he doesn't eat meat.

SavtaDotty said...

Wikipedia says they eat insects or rodents, but day geckos eat crickets, wax moths, houseflies, papaya and baby-food fruits. Now I have to wonder 1) whether he is a day gecko, and 2) whether the apples in apple pie qualify as baby-food fruits, and 3) where he is. My dog would certainly have announced his presence in my bed, so I know he's not there.

Fred said...

He's eating the leftovers in your house. They don't bite. :)

Udge said...

Hope he isn't in the dog :-)

SavtaDotty said...

John - do you mean "drop" as in "separate from"? Yichs!

Fred - some of my leftovers not only don't bite, they cure infections. But those are in the fridge, so I don't think he got to them.

Udge - the only living thing I ever saw my dog kill was a chicken. I was traumatized, but everyone around said it was doggie instinct and the chicken was being raised to be eaten anyhow. Do you think lizard tastes like chicken?