In rummaging through the piles of mementos from my European tours of duty when I was 19-24, I came across a letter on light blue Basildon Bond stationery with no stamp, no address, no date, just my name on the envelope, which means it was hand-delivered, probably to my mailbox. I was working in London between October 1961 and February 1962, and the handwriting looks English to me. Here's the text:
Dorothy,Dear Dari'o, Dania, Davie, Danie, David, or whoever you are,
I never knew that 'goodbye' could be so painful. I won't besiege you with telephone calls of appeal, because you obviously believe it best that I shouldn't. My mind tells my heart that you are right.
I love you.
If you're reading this, please identify yourself and remind me what happened and where? Forgive my faulty memory, but by now I think we can safely let bygones be bygones, don't you think? At least I saved your letter.
The single quote marks are also a good indication that it's British.
How mysterious and fascinating!
Oh, that's an interesting find. Maybe he's reading your blog?
Elswhere, Yes it seems I was a callous heart-breaker in my youth. Now you know.
Fred, If he's reading, he's pretty shy about commenting! The mystery continues...
OMG!! A similar thing happened to me a few months ago...
The "romance" happened when I was 24, in 1982,in Eilat, with a Spanish beach vagabond. I totally forgot about him until he wrote postcards to my mom's house recently, declaring that he's spent years searching, never forgot, and how he still loves me! Well, I certainly did completely forget, until a mutual acquaintance reminded me who he was. pretty embarrasing, no?..
Shari, Welcome to the Callous Heart-Breakers Club! Yes, It's not exactly our finest accomplishment, but maybe we can develop a twelve-step program to help all the others?
hi there, the name looks like "Damian" to me...
Oh, how tragic! I wonder if he is still mourning his lost love....
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