Thursday, August 28, 2008

It was twenty years ago today...

It was twenty years ago today that I took my life in my hands and moved it to Israel. I spent that Sunday afternoon at JFK having a tense farewell with my nearest and dearest, wondering what the future would bring. Having been risk-averse but adventure-loving for most of my life, I decided to focus on the adventure. There were certainly times when the risk overtook my optimism, but I'm still here.

Today is one of those days when I feel wistful as well as celebratory, because today is Mermaid Girl's 8th birthday and I'm not there to participate in the festivities. However, I have now accumulated enough frequent flyer miles to start planning my next visit without concern for fuel surcharges. (Pretty soon the airlines will have to change that generous policy, I'm sure). After the birthday gifts have been opened and get a little stale, I'll just have to go there and install the webcams and Skype myself so she and I can have webchats without parental supervision, because 8 is old enough to handle that, don't you think?


Udge said...

(cheers and waves) Congratulations, dear Savtadotty, happy 20th anniversary. I hope you will have a great big party, or at least a bowl of extra-special soup tomorrow.

Carol Feldman said...

Happy 20th! So, have you decided yet if you are staying? ;-)
Your next 20 should be even better.

Mazel Tov!!
Love, Carol

SavtaDotty said...

Udge, I'm making gazpacho, an old favorite, but I think there's going to be cake and ice cream as well, and I've aready made iced decaf coffee. No summer party would be complete without them.

Carol, I think I'm here "for the duration" (a phrase leftover from my WWII childhood). I'd be satisfied if the next 20 were just as good :-)

Tamar Orvell said...

Mazal tov on your auspicious celebration/anniversary. Maybe you'll wear your lovely blue shoes from Shenkein? As for your Mermaid, of course you two should be carrying on independent of her parents. I helped a ten-year old launch her first blog recently. What are you and Mermaid waiting for?

Love to you and to Shuki from me and Mica the calico queen!

SavtaDotty said...

Tamar, Thanks for your congrats. Mermaid Girl has had her own blog since she was four, at, but I agree it needs more frequent updating now that she can read and write by herself.

Tamar Orvell said...

Delighted to know about Mermaid Girl's blog. I am forwarding the URL to my ten-year-old blogging mate (who blogs at