Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Forget SpellCheck, Try BrainCheck

I know, I know, blogging is supposed to be informal, and everyone ha's hi's flaw, but I cannot tolerate it's/its any more!

Ladie's and Gent's:


IT'S not obvious: English has ITS quirks.


Laurie G said...

You have a kindred spirit in the author of the book, "Eats, Shoots and Leaves."

SavtaDotty said...

Hi Laurie -
I know that author is a kindred spirit, but I'm too jealous to read the book!

Anonymous said...

Oh I completely agree with you. We need to be more careful with our grammar and punctuation. It's is one that I know well from teaching. My writing sins fall most heavily on commas and the dreaded dots used to emphasize a. . . pause.

Chaya Erez said...

Your and you're always gets me...