Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Happy Passover!


Fred said...

Same to you! I hope it's a very pleasant holiday for you.

Laurie G said...

Thanks - hope yours is wonderful!

SavtaDotty said...

Fred, Thanks, but pleasant is an understatement! It's joyous!

Laurie, If the seder was an indicator, it's going to be a very good week. I wish you the same!

Mongrel said...

Israel not yet has discovered the chocolate Easter bunny?

Judy said...

Beautiful matzo cover. Where did you get it? Or did you make it yourself? Moed tov....

SavtaDotty said...

Thank you, Judy. It was purchased at the Tel Aviv Nachlat Binyamin crafts fair (open Tuesdays and Fridays), made by Edna Ron. I bought a similar one for a relative in January, and by coincidence, a friend bought me this one as a gift this month.

Judy said...

I'd be really interested in buying one or possibly several as presents. I'm coming to Israel for a wedding on 20th May, but don't know if I'll have time to get to Nachlat Binyamin on the relevant days--probably not.
How much are the cloths? Does she do Shabbat challoh covers in a similar style? I presume she does.

SavtaDotty said...

Judy, I just googled Edna Ron and found her website with contact info, so you can ask her your questions directly: