Friday, July 27, 2007

Thanks to Island Writer

Terri DuLong, who blogs at Writing Away on Cedar Key, shared this video
with her readers and I want you all to watch it this minute...well actually it's three minutes, so I'm not linking to her post in case you don't have the energy to click so much. Once you watch it, you'll probably have the energy to read the backstory, which is heartwarming too. Thanks Terri!


Anonymous said...

No, thank YOU!
"I" had NO idea on the backstory! I'm not sure how/where you found it, but I'm sure glad you did! It was heartwarming and incredible. Of course, I've always believed strongly in the human/dog bond, so I really enjoyed the story behind the video.
When I watched it, it just plain made ME feel good. I watched it with a smile and just wanted to share it, so thank you for sharing the rest of it with us.

nominally challenged said...


I'm going to start my pooch off with the can can :)

SavtaDotty said...

Your pooch already does a kind of can can when he pees! He should be easy to train, but I recommend outdoors only.

Chancy said...

Great video..thanks

I sent it to my grandchildren:)